Happy to inform you that our first important task, the design of the ASSESSMAKE21 tool, is well underway!
The last four months CIL (leader of O1) with contributions from the project partners mapped out and formulated the journey that the students will traverse with the ASSESSMAKE21 tool to learn, develop and reflect upon 21st century skills during their activities in the makerspaces.
The design was based on –
1) literature review on frameworks for 21st-century skills,
2) feedback that was elicited from project partners, educators/teachers and facilitators of makerspaces from 4 countries (Cyprus, Ireland, Greece and Sweden) through several design thinking workshops, and,
3) a series of in-depth interviews with researchers, teachers and practitioners in the aforementioned countries.
The ASSESSMAKE21 tool focuses on the 21st century skills that were brought most frequently forward during the data collection stage, namely: Collaboration, Creativity, Communication, Problem-Solving and Life/Social skills. Through the interviews and the design thinking workshops data were retrieved that allowed the project team to determine the technical and functional requirements underpinning the ASSESSMAKE21 tool. Annotated wireframes, user flow diagrams and an interactive prototype were designed; all these outputs inform the next project stage which is the ASSESSMAKE21 tool development.

Stay tuned… creative work is loading
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